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Within Tibetan Buddhism, there exists multiple traditions of oracles taking trance of various deities. This video shows the dissimilarities between deities who are enlightened... Oracles: Enlightened or Not?

Within Tibetan Buddhism, there exists multiple traditions of oracles taking trance of various deities. This video shows the dissimilarities between trances of deities who are enlightened and those who are not, and how to differentiate between the two.

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  • Fong

    Posted on May 7, 2017 #1 Author

    It is good to know how to differentiate whether the deity being taken trance of is enlightened or not. We should only rely on enlightened deities as unenlightened deities have limited powers and cannot see whether the advice given is good in the long run. So, the advice given may cause us problems eventually.

    Basically the key point is that when an enlightened being takes trance, they are given respect and homage instead of the other way around.

    Good to know.
