His Eminence Zasep Tulku Rinpoche

On 1st July 1948 in the Year of the Earth-Ox, Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, the 13th incarnation of Lama Konchog Tenzin of Zuru Monastery, was born as prophesied by Jetrung Rinpoche to a father born in the Tiger year and a mother in the Bird year.

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Historic First Kalachakra Initiation by the 11th Panchen Lama

H.H. the 11th Panchen Lama recently bestowed the Kalachakra initiation at his New Palace near Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, the first to be held publicly in Tibet/China in the last 50 years and the historic first Kalachakra initiation presided over by the young Panchen Lama.

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Dorje Shugden in the Sakya Tradition

Before Dorje Shugden was widely practised in the Gelugpa tradition, he was enthroned as a Protector of the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism. The Sakya reliance on Dorje Shugden began with the supreme Sakya throneholder, the 30th Sakya Trizin Sonam Rinchen.

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Commentary: A Sakya Praise to Dorje Shugden

This is a commentary by His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche on the Praise to Dorje Shugden called duelzin choe ki gyalpo choepai choka phuentsog doe gu yong khil she jawa, composed by the 31st Sakya Trizin Kunkhyen Ngawang Kunga Lodro.

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Download: Dorje Shugden Kangso Composed by the 31st Sakya Trizin

The 31st Sakya Trizin Kunga Lodro composed the following Tibetan-style Dorje Shugden kangso manuscript, which contains the propitiation rites to invoke the blessings and protection of Dorje Shugden according to the Sakya tradition.

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The Origins of Dorje Shugden

The Origins of Dorje Shugden

Overview March 25, 2016 24 17,388

This is a true account of how Dorje Shugden manifested as a compassionate Lama, martyr and enlightened Buddhist Protector. Understanding the origins and history of any Buddhist practice is highly recommended to cultivate faith, devotion and stability in one’s practice.

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The Spiritual Lineage

The Spiritual Lineage

Overview March 23, 2016 28 13,786

Tracing the lineage between Guru and disciple is an important aspect of the Buddhist teachings as blessings descend from the lineage masters to the practitioner. What follows is a brief summary of the close lineage of Dorje Shugden’s practice.

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Dorje Shugden’s Entourage

Dorje Shugden’s Entourage Hot

Overview March 21, 2016 29 16,428

When we engage in Dorje Shugden’s practice, we also invoke upon his 32-deity entourage. Thus, it is important to understand the different elements that make up Dorje Shugden’s divine mandala and to be able to visualise this clearly in our daily meditations.

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The Previous Existences of Dorje Shugden

Dorje Shugden reincarnated as a Dharma Protector in order to be of benefit to sentient beings. He arose from a long line of incarnations that stem all the way back to the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, Manjushri.

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His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche

The great master Pabongka Rinpoche was the pivotal lineage holder of the Oral Gaden Tradition in the 20th Century. It was his particular merit to locate and find all these partial transmissions, to learn and realise them, and bring them together once again to pass them.

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Trode Khangsar Chapel

Trode Khangsar Chapel

Temples February 18, 2016 18 848

Located behind the main chapel of Jowo Rinpoche is the Dorje Shugden Chapel – Trode Khangsar. It was commissioned by His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama in the 17th Century and serves as a testament to the official establishment of Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden’s practice in Tibet.

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His Eminence Khalkha Jetsun Dampa

His Eminence Khalkha Jetsun Dampa

Lamas January 12, 2016 4 1,739

The Khalkha Jetsun Dampa Khutuktus are the spiritual heads of the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia. They also hold the title of Bogd Gegeen. The Khalkha Jetsun Dampa is one of the most revered teachers of the Kalachakra Tantras, the Tara Tantras and the practice of Maitreya.

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A Sakya Praise to Dorje Shugden

By recalling the enlightened qualities of Dorje Shugden in this praise composed by the great Sakyapa master Kunkhyen Ngawang Kunga Lodrö, the practitioner generates a tremendous amount of merit to accomplish the same qualities.

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Enthronement Prayer of Dorje Shugden

The enthronement prayer is used to bless images and statues with the energies of Dorje Shugden. The prayer invites Dorje Shugden to reside in a particular location or premise, thus dispelling any negativities and encouraging growth and positivity.

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Taktsang Lhamo Setri Monastery

Taktsang Lhamo Setri Monastery

Temples September 18, 2015 3 504

Founded by the 53rd Gaden Setri Gyaltsen Sengge of Gaden Monastery in 1748, Taktsang Lhamo Setri Monastery is from the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and is one of the earliest monasteries to enshrine Dorje Shugden as their Dharma Protector.

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Venerable Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey

Born in 1921 in the town of Yätsak in Kham, Venerable Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey was a great master who dedicated his entire existence to turning the wheel of Dharma consistently and sincerely.

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