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  • sebastian

    Posted on January 24, 2025 6

    hi like to ask can i practice Dharam of Dorje Shugeden with out a Teacher or lama ?Guru?iiam 78 year of age. in canada.thank you

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  • Cemil Oral

    Posted on January 11, 2025 3

    Möge Daddy seine Telepathie Kräfte verbessern, nam myoho renge kyo

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  • Choijantsan Bayarkhuu

    Posted on January 1, 2025 7

    Where is my master Yara Rinpoche from Mongolia?

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  • Tshering Diki

    Posted on October 27, 2024 5

    Where is his eminence Kyabje Kundeling Rimpoche

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  • Bob Conway

    Posted on September 9, 2024 19

    Hello dear Rinpoche. I found this page and would welcome a reconnection via email. You took two automobile tours with my wife Carol and me Indiana and Michigan in 1990 and 1991. You also had supper at our house once. I hope this finds you in good health! Carol, unfortunately, is in very poor health due to advanced Alzheimer's disease. Please keep her in your thoughts.

    1 ANSWER
  • Deniz Ucaner

    Posted on September 2, 2024 15

    Would you do a Puja for Putin to overcome his desire, hate and ignorance?
    Best regards
    Deniz Ucaner

    1 ANSWER
  • Mario

    Posted on April 10, 2024 20

    Is greed okay if it helps develop more positivity (in small picture)? Distractions dissolve from themselves, getting involved only expands them, but aren't there hopes to be fulfilled in the long run by innvolment?

    0 ANSWER
  • Dennis

    Posted on February 4, 2024 13

    7 offering bowls (yes) but how many butter lamps for very small altar ? I am thinking of only one (which I can afford and the space is limited. Is one butter lamp acceptable ?

    0 ANSWER
  • Asaaga

    Posted on September 24, 2023 30

    If I recite the kawang prayer only in English, will it be still potent enough to clear my karma?

    0 ANSWER
  • Doris

    Posted on June 21, 2023 31

    I am looking for help urgently and have been repeating the mantra Om Benza wiki bitana rakhia rakhia hung hoping for protection from any spirit or astral beings. How many days does it take before the help comes? Can he help with any type of being?

    0 ANSWER
  • argenman

    Posted on May 9, 2023 60

    Hi, I see that Tibetan dice are used to consult Dorje Shugden. Is it possible to ask him being a common person, I mean: can Dorje Shugden answer all kinds of questions? And if that's possible, can I buy those dice and learn that type of oracle? Thank you so much

    0 ANSWER


  • ramnarine taki

    Posted on April 29, 2023 18

    i need to find a girl to be in my life as a caring and loving long term relationship

    0 ANSWER


  • michaela fairbairn

    Posted on March 15, 2023 47

    hi i am drawn to practise with Dorje Shugden. how can i do this online please? any temples n Somerset , cornwall or London?

    1 ANSWER


  • Mike Lisi

    Posted on March 9, 2023 14

    Dear Sir or Madame, this is Mike Lisi,
    I would like to know, if there are any Dorje Shudgen Initiations? Eventually online
    Regards Mike Lisi

    0 ANSWER
  • dipen

    Posted on February 17, 2023 23

    i needed an empowerment cum initiation for practice of bhagawan dorje shugden as a beginner. Please help

    0 ANSWER

    Posted on February 6, 2023 14

    请问bentong 那里有修行·项目吗?

    1 ANSWER
  • Jose Esparza

    Posted on February 1, 2023 45

    My mother passed away just over 2 months ago and I was very close to her. While she was sick, I took care of her and tried to make her life as comfortable as possible given the pain that she was in. My question is: in Buddhism, do people honor or worship their relatives who have passed, and can they still hear from even after some time has passed?

    1 ANSWER


  • Margot

    Posted on January 3, 2023 5

    Hell, many years ago, I was given a beautiful version of the Great Compassionate Mantra sung by Dromtug RINPOCHE. It was gifted to me from my friend, Gontug Rinpoche. Sadly, I can not find that there any way I could find another recording? It is my absolute favourite. I look forward to hearing back from you 🙏🏼 Margot

    0 ANSWER
  • Christopher Robin Lee

    Posted on December 5, 2022 11


    Part One - First Exercise: Purification:

    Protector of the Buddha-Dharma Vajrapani is the Buddha of Power holding a Vajra which throws Lightning Bolts of Wisdom Power. Vajrapani is the Keeper of the Secret Oracle Deity whose Chest Mirror repels negativity and transforms into a Lens that magnifies Power. To see and act as the Buddha of Power Vajrapani see clearly through Vajrapani's “Transparent Mirror” and then act with clarity as an Oracle. To cause the Mirror of your Mind to transform from Mirror to Lens you must first rid yourself of The 'Five Obstacles': Aversion, Attachment, Pride, Envy, and Covetousnes. The 'cure', 'trick', 'antidote' is a Purification Practice to see clearly by establishing Objectivity, you polish Vajrapani's Mirror with a contemplative meditation of introspective analysis that polishes and purifies your Mind. Polish your Mind to polish Vajrapani's Mirror to become stainless and transparent, self-reflective like a Mirror, clear and magnifying like a Lens that magnifies your Vision thus beholding all Wisdom in Indra's Net.

    To do the precognitive prescient presentement predictions using the Skillful Method of the Oracle of Vajrapani, in your Mind you must first rid yourself of any mental construction of the Five Obstacles to a clear understanding of the Right View by doing a Personal Inventory of the Five Obstacles as ethical transgressions of Thought, Speech, and Behavior in your past, in the present, and predict future inclinations, apply the Antidote and the Wise View appears, which allows the wise right intent to form, which allows right effort to follow, and the right livelihood of successful Oracle Sessions of Prophesy for Client.

    To examine your View and Intent, objectively as possible do a contemplative Inventory of 'worst case scenarios' that might lead to you, or by extension other people, to become: Aversive: Anger, hatred; Attached: Possessive, Addictive; Pride: Boastful, Arrogant; Envious: Jealousy, Vindictiveness; Covetous, Manipulative, Controlling. In every instance of identifying an Obstacle then identify and apply the Antidote, then continue to 'role play' and 'run the simulation’ until you can predict any likely scenario and in your Mind's Eye 'see through' and clearly resolve all Obstacles to a transparent view, then you are a 'Seer' and 'Sayer' able to understand and prophess the Karmic Linkage of the Past, Present, and Future of the Subject in question, and now you are like Vajrapani beholding all wisdom in Indra's Net and like Suja you “Cut the Head off of excuses and drink from your vital capacities” as an Oracle unobstructed by the Five Obstacles.

    A Vamacharya Skilled Method practice of Self-Reflection in a contemplative meditation of a personal inventory of ethical transgressions of thought speech and behavior in the past present and predictable future, the Goal of the skillful Practitioner is eliminating The Five Obstacles to establish Objectivity which is a necessary prerequisite of Oracle prophesying. In Contemplative Meditation do a past present and predictive future Personal Inventory and with each memory or simulation of ethical transgression of thought speech or behavior repeatedly apply the applicable Antidote(s) of the 'Four Immesurables', and to inform your actions while examining personal transgressions during Personal Inventory utilize Suja as mastery of presence and sacrifice. The Antidote to the Five Obstacles is the Four Immesurables: Meta - Loving Kindness-benevolence, friendliness, amity, good will, active interest in others; Karuna- compassion, mercy, empathy, consideration; Mudita- joy, sympathetic joy, vicarious joy, spontaneous shared Joy; Upaka- Equanimity, equality, peace, a purifying mental state to counteract the Three Defilements of lust, aversion and ignorance. Utilize The 'Four Immesureables' and then 'Suja-ta' utilize the Chinnamunda Effect of mastery of presence and sacrifice to guide your Skillful Method of the Oracle of Vajrapani, which is a Tool for preparing and conditioning the Mind to have successful Oracle sessions with Clients.


    The Five Colors: Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, White:

    Blue means space. It is believed that anger can be transformed into wisdom when meditating on this color.

    White means air. White can cut the delusion of ignorance and turn it into the wisdom of reality.

    Yellow means earth. Yellow transforms pride into wisdom of sameness when visualized in meditation.

    Green means water. Green transforms jealousy into the wisdom of accomplishment.

    Red means fire. Red transforms the delusion of attachment into the wisdom of discernment.


    Blue is associated with purity and healing. Akshobhya is the Buddha of this color. Ears are the body part that is represented by the color blue. Air is the element that accompanies this color. It is believed, when meditating on this color, anger can be transformed into wisdom.

    White is the color of learning and knowledge in Buddhism. It is represented by the Buddha Vairocana. The eyes are associated with white. White is in the elemental group water. If meditated upon, white can cut the delusion of ignorance and turn it into the wisdom of reality.

    Red is related to life force and preservation. The Buddha Amitabha is depicted with a red body in Tibetan art. The part of the body associated with this color is the tongue. Fire is the natural element complementary to the color red. In Buddhism, meditating on the color red transforms the delusion of attachment into the wisdom of discernment.

    Green is the color of balance and harmony. Amoghasiddhi is the Buddha of the color green. The head is the body part that is associated with this color. Green represents nature. Meditate on this color to transform jealousy into the wisdom of accomplishment.

    Yellow symbolizes rootedness and renunciation. Buddha Ratnasambhava is associated with yellow. The nose is represented by this color. Earth is the element that accompanies the color yellow. Yellow transforms pride into wisdom of sameness when visualized in meditation.


    4 Vajra Types:
    2 Pole Male 4 Point Vamacharya
    2 Pole Male 8 Point Dakshinacharya
    4 Pole Female 4 Point Vamacharya
    4 Pole Female 8 Point Dakshinacharya

    2 Pole (Male) 4 Point (Vamacharya) as seen through the Perspectives of the Five Colors: To gain perspective towards the answer to the question about an issue, or, to gain perspective towards the answer of a question about an Oracular Field Function Prophecy, from a Male Vamacharya Perspective use logic to analyze and reason about the reality of the mundane, material, and practical concerns of the Issue in question or the Prophecy in question as seen through the Filter Lens of each of the Five Colors = 5 Perspectives;

    2 Pole (Male) 8 Point (Dakshinacharya) as seen through the Perspectives of the Five Colors: To gain perspective towards the answer to the question about an issue, or, to gain perspective towards the answer of a question about an Oracular Field Function Prophecy, from a Male Dakshinacharya Perspective use logic to analyze and reason about the reality of the Metaphysical, Principal, and Archetypal concerns of the Issue in question, or the Prophecy in question as seen through the Filter Lens of each of the Five Colors = 5 Perspectives;

    2 Pole (Female) 4 Point (Vamacharya) as seen through the Perspectives of the Five Colors: To gain perspective towards the answer to the question about an issue, or, to gain perspective towards the answer of a question about an Oracular Field Function Prophecy, from a Female Vamacharya Perspective use logic to analyze and reason about the reality of the mundane, material, and practical concerns of the Issue in question, or the Prophecy in question as seen through the Filter Lens of each of the Five Colors = 5 Perspectives;

    4 Pole (Female) 8 Point (Dakshinacharya) as seen through the Perspectives of the Five Colors: To gain perspective towards the answer to the question about an issue, or, to gain perspective towards the answer of a question about an Oracular Field Function Prophecy, from a Female Dakshinacharya Perspective use logic to analyze and reason about the reality of the Metaphysical, Principal, Archetypal concerns of the Issue in question or the Prophecy in question as seen through the Filter Lens of each of the Five Colors = 5 Perspectives;

    =20 Perspectives to be examined and analyzed prior to engaging in Oracle Prophecy with Clients;

    With these enhanced Oracular Perspectives of the Conditions, Situation, and Circumstances of the Client’s Issue Query, and the Karmic Linkage of the Past, Present, and Future Eventuality for the Client, you the Oracle have the gained the 20 Perspectives as knowledge and wisdom to answer your Client’s Issue Query or Prophecy your Client’s future Time-Place-Person-Event Field Function Eventuality.

    Part Three - Third Exercise: Prophecy:

    Beholding all wisdom in Indra's Net:

    There are two types of dimensions to Indra’ s Net, which can be called Indra’s Net and Indra’s Web: Indra’s Net is the macro-view of the 10 compass directions including intermediate compass directions plus up and down, best conceived as the 6 physical directions North-South-East-West-Up-Down.

    Indra’s Net is in the real-time of the Here-and-Now in this three dimensional gross form realm, and expands to three dimensions as a matrix enveloping the Cosmos within which are evenly spaced Jewel nodes that reflect and behold every other Jewel node and reflect and behold what every other Jewel node reflects and beholds. Dissolve your Identity to formless then manifest as Vajrapani inside a Jewel beholding all wisdom and karma in all of the Jewels; then with astral travel teleport to observe the current conditions circumstances and situation of the place and time and person and event in question- the Query of the Client. First determine if what you see is relevant or irrelevant to the Query of the Client, observe that which is relevant, observe if the effects of the Time-Place-Person-Event Query Field Function seems positive or negative or neutral. Observe if the Conditions-Situation-Circumstances of the Time-Place-Person-Event Field Function are: Important and Urgent, or, Important but not Urgent, or, Unimportant but Urgent or Unimportant and not Urgent; if you see only a side profile view then you only have part of the story, so with astral travel teleport yourself to the other sides of the query Field Function. Interpolate the past, compare with present, extrapolate the Future and predict the most likely scenario based on the Conditions-Situation-Circumstances unique and specific to the Time-Place-Person-Event Field Function to answer the Query of the Client.

    Indra’s Web is Time-dependent wherein behind you is the past, in front is the future, on all sides are the prevailing conditions, a time-dependent View of a time-place-person-event unique Situation as it changes over time, and the Client’s intended Goal of their desired Eventuality is the Circumstances in the Here and Now. Observe the current conditions, circumstances and situation of the place and time and person and event in question- the Query of the Client. First determine if what you see is relevant or irrelevant to the Query of the Client, observe that which is relevant, observe if the effects of the Time-Place-Person-Event Query Field Function seems positive or negative or neutral. Observe if the Conditions-Situation-Circumstances of the Time-Place-Person-Event Field Function are: Important and Urgent, or, Important but not Urgent, or, Unimportant but Urgent or Unimportant and not Urgent; if you see only a side profile view then you only have part of the story, so with time travel teleport yourself to the Field Function in question, observe, analyse, and reason to Interpolate the Past, compare the Past with the Present then extrapolate the Future and predict the most likely scenario based on the Conditions-Situation-Circumstances unique and specific to the Time-Place-Person-Event Field Function to answer the Query of the Client.

    Vajrapani Mantra: Om Vajra Pei! Om Vajrapani Hum. Om Vajrapani Hum Pei! Om Ah Vajrapani Hum Hum Pei! Om Ah Vajrapani yab-yum Vajra Dakini Suja`ta Hum Hum Pei Svaha.

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