Tagpu Pemavajra and Visions from Gaden Heaven

Tagpu Pemavajra was a highly attained lama who had many authentic visions of the Buddhas and even received direct teachings from them. Upon Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche’s request, Tagpu Pemavajra travelled to Tushita, the heavenly abode of Lama Tsongkhapa where he received the complete cycle of teachings on Dorje Shugden.

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His Eminence Zasep Tulku Rinpoche

On 1st July 1948 in the Year of the Earth-Ox, Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, the 13th incarnation of Lama Konchog Tenzin of Zuru Monastery, was born as prophesied by Jetrung Rinpoche to a father born in the Tiger year and a mother in the Bird year.

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This photo gallery contains a selection of images of Dorje Shugden, his entourage and other Enlightened Beings from around the world. Please enjoy and share these beautiful blessed pictures.

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H.H. the 4th Tagpu Pemavajra

The 4th Tagpu Pemavajra Jampel Tenpai Ngodrub, most commonly known as Tagpu Dorje Chang, was a highly accomplished yogi whose great achievements and attainments were well-known and acknowledged by innumerable Lamas during his time.

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Kechara Forest Retreat

Kechara Forest Retreat

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Situated on a 35-acre plot of land in Bentong, Malaysia, Kechara Forest Retreat is a holistic retreat centre which offers spiritual seekers an opportunity to develop a perfect balance of total wellness through spiritual retreats, learning and conscious living, all within a natural forest enclave.

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