Mahasiddhas and Marriage

The Mahasiddhas of Buddhism have led very different and controversial lives in times both ancient and modern. They often exhibit what has come to be commonly known as “crazy wisdom”, which is wisdom so unconventional that it borders on the edge of madness.

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Dorje Shugden in the Sakya Tradition

Before Dorje Shugden was widely practised in the Gelugpa tradition, he was enthroned as a Protector of the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism. The Sakya reliance on Dorje Shugden began with the supreme Sakya throneholder, the 30th Sakya Trizin Sonam Rinchen.

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Phelgyeling Monastery

Phelgyeling Monastery

Temples February 11, 2016 6 1,308

The original Nyanang Shedrup Gaden Phelgyeling Monastery was located in Nyanang, Tibet close to the border with Nepal. Records indicate that Phelgyeling Monastery was originally established as a Kagyu monastery, with Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden installed as their Dharma Protector.

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His Eminence Khalkha Jetsun Dampa

His Eminence Khalkha Jetsun Dampa

Lamas January 12, 2016 4 1,741

The Khalkha Jetsun Dampa Khutuktus are the spiritual heads of the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia. They also hold the title of Bogd Gegeen. The Khalkha Jetsun Dampa is one of the most revered teachers of the Kalachakra Tantras, the Tara Tantras and the practice of Maitreya.

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The Blessings of the Guru

Guru devotion and clean samaya with one’s Guru are commonly recognised and emphasised as the foundation of Dharma study and practice in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism. From the legendary Padmasambhava of the Nyingma lineage to the revered mahasiddhas Milarepa and Naropa.

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