Read about the latest happenings in the Dorje Shugden world, gathered firsthand from the very people who experience them, organise them and participate in them.

Saga Dawa Celebrations in Tsongkhapa Meditation Centre, Canada

On 21 May 2016, Tsongkhapa Meditation Centre celebrated the Saga Dawa Festival as well as their 30th anniversary with a peaceful Yamantaka fire puja as well as a land blessing ceremony on the temple grounds.

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The Hidden Name of Dorje Shugden in the Kangyur

Recently, exciting information has come to light of Dorje Shugden’s name written in the Kangyur, hidden in a passage about the names of Manjushri, as discovered by Dragyab Chocktrul Ngawang Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen.

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His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche’s 10th Parinirvana Anniversary

Recently, on 5-6 April 2016, a group of devoted practitioners from across the globe gathered in Thailand to commemorate His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche’s Parinirvana Day.

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Dorje Shugden’s Life Entrustment Initiation

Serious practitioners who wish to establish a deeper connection with Dorje Shugden can receive the life entrustment initiation, also known as sogtae. It greatly supports our spiritual progress as Dorje Shugden guides us not only in this lifetime, but in all future lives.

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Enlightened Street Art

Enlightened Street Art

BlogNews March 20, 2016 28 990

Italian artist never2501 has used his talents to plant enlightened seeds through the strokes of his brush. One of his masterpieces is a four-storey high contemporary image of the Protector Dorje Shugden, towering over the local community in Virginia, USA.

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Nagarjuna of the Middle Way Philosophy

Arya Nagarjuna lived after the Buddha’s time and became the founder of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition in ancient India. It was from this great being that the lineage on wisdom, or the teachings on the profound view of Emptiness.

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How to Rely upon Dorje Shugden

Relying on a Dharma Protector is an essential and beneficial practice within Vajrayana Buddhism. There are two ways to rely upon Dorje Shugden: in thought and in deed.

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The Importance of Supporting Dharma Institutions

Sponsoring the institutions of the Sangha, namely monasteries and Dharma centres, is not only a generous way to serve others, but a compassionate one too as the sponsor provides the Sangha the means to preserve and spread the Dharma for the benefit of future generations.

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Kopan Monastery’s Dorje Shugden Statue

This holy statue of Dorje Shugden was once placed in Kopan Monastery, Nepal. The statue belonged to Venerable Lama Thubten Yeshe, whose main Protector was Dorje Shugden. Lama Yeshe remained a devoted practitioner until he entered clear light in 1984.

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Gaden Monastery’s Dorje Shugden Statue

This particular Dorje Shugden statue was formerly housed in the private Protector chapel of Gaden Lachi, the prayer hall for Gaden Monastery’s two colleges – Gaden Shartse and Gaden Jangtse, alongside statues of other important Protectors.

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Chöd in the Gaden Nyengyu Tradition

Chöd refers to cutting through the self-grasping mind that is at the very root of samsara. The lineage of Chöd was established by a female Tibetan master, Machig Labdrön, who received these teachings from her teacher Padampa Sangye.

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Dorje Shugden Cham Dance in Nyemo Gyelche Monastery

The Dorje Shugden cham dance by and large encompasses the essence of what His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang has written about Dorje Shugden, relating the events leading to his manifestation as a Dharma Protector.

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Dorje Shugden’s Divination

There are currently two authentic divination texts that are in use to contact Dorje Shugden. One is from the writings of H.E. Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche and the other is from Dorje Shugden himself who composed it while in trance of the Choyang Duldzin Oracle.

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Dorje Shugden in the Gelugpa Guru Tree

To aid practitioners, His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche unveiled an incredible and ‘updated’ Guru Tree of the Gelugpa lineage, which depicts Dorje Shugden for the first time on the same level as other transcendent Dharma Protectors.

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Sacred Sculpture

Sacred Sculpture

BlogNews February 27, 2016 18 481

Shortly before his passing, His Eminence Kyabje Phara Dorje Chang of Gaden Jangtse Monastery fashioned an incredibly realistic Dorje Shugden head sculpture from clay obtained from a jungle near the Buxa refugee camp in North India. The jungle was known to be haunted.

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The Chinese Emperor and the Dalai Lama Enthrone Dorje Shugden

Dorje Shugden is closely connected with China in many ways. In Dorje Shugden’s kangso or fulfilment ritual by His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, it is stated that Dorje Shugden resides in Wu Tai Shan (Five-Peak Mountain) of China.

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Advice from Dorje Shugden

Advice from Dorje Shugden

BlogBuddhism February 22, 2016 16 351

During the Losar festivities in 2013, Dorje Shugden gave a teaching on the mind. He spoke extensively on the nature of the mind, especially how our body and speech are nothing but a reflection of the mind.

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Claudio Cipullo

Claudio Cipullo

BlogNews February 18, 2016 5 598

Claudio Cipullo has met and received teachings from the greatest Tibetan Lamas of that time, including His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang, Kalu Rinpoche, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and Lama Yeshe.

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The Three Bodies of a Buddha

The Three Bodies of a Buddha

BlogBuddhism February 11, 2016 25 1,706

In the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, fully enlightened beings manifest in three different aspects to benefit sentient beings. These are called “Trikaya” (literally meaning “Three Bodies”) and they are the Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya.

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Lama Tsongkhapa’s Holy Items

Some of the most important holy items which are still kept in Tibet are the sacred relics of Lama Tsongkhapa. According to Buddhist tradition, holy relics can generally be categorised into three types.

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